赤き血の夏 ハブ
評価: +13+x


To Be Noir Not To Be: フィクションはリアルを目の当たりにするだろう。


第一幕: 割り振られた街

I Care Because You Do: 機械の中の歯車が狂い始める。

By the time I was done with my handwashing ritual, I'd looked up just in time to see the Karcist retracting her rope-like tongue into her mouth, residue of Jane's brain still dripping from its surface.

Crossing the Frame: 第三の日を前に、彼女は立ち上がる。

Sighing, I flicked through them all, scanning for anything of interest — all of them turned out to be typical mundanity, one-week seminars on theological interpretations of Zipporah at the Forge, updates on the samizdat breakout near the Marble District.

Staring at the Sun [TBA]: 黒の女王が動き出す。

"But — that doesn't make sense, how can there be two of you in the same place?" "You're a devotee of the god of mass-production and you can't understand the concept of two of the same thing existing at the same time?"


コニー・シャン: 尋問官。


アミサ・ビクラム: 情報提供者。


アリソン・チャオ: 当人。


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