
評価: +85+x

「私が言えるのは、『その時には正しいことだった』ということだけだ。今となっては、正しいことをしたとは言えないかも知れないがね。そして、これから先、同じことをしても正しいとは認められないだろう。だが、その時は正しかった、違うかね? 正しいことをしたんだ」





「多数の利益のために、ですか? クレフ博士」




「しかし、なぜそんなことを? 博士」



| グラフィックデザインはDrKensCyantreuseによる。 |

by DrEverettMannDrEverettMann

"今日すべてが変わった。僕のような人は他にもいるんだ。想像できる? 一人じゃない。そうじゃないんだ"

Demasqed Hub
by HenzoidHenzoid

A 12 scene play about the North Korea project and Public Relations.

Masquerade's End
by Uncle NicoliniUncle Nicolini


When Normalcy Defects (aka "Veilfall")
by psychicprogrammerpsychicprogrammer and TheBoxOfFunTheBoxOfFun

"What does the Revelation of the Occult Mean for Obama's Second Term?"

by DrEverettMannDrEverettMann


Research Notes of RJ Tellar
by ArlecchinoArlecchino

"Good journalism is seeing what's happening now. They wanna write history, they can. My job is turning the low-hanging fruit into gold."

by ArlecchinoArlecchino


by SilberescherSilberescher


by MontalaMontala


by ahbonjourahbonjour


by renacerrenacer


SCP-3241 ("蒸気船ゾンマーフェルト号")
by The Great HippoThe Great Hippo

"何処にいるか知らんが、デヴォンさんよ、あんたは跪いて財団が変化してることを全能の神に感謝したほうが良かろうぜ。俺の現役時代はな、このお話はこういう — こういうふざけた“調査”なんかじゃ終わらなかったはずだ。あんたはオレンジ色のつなぎを着せられて、俺たちの見つけ得る限りで一番深く暗い穴の中に放り込まれたろう。"

On the Outskirts
by stormbreathstormbreath

"When the Illuminati hijacks your life and doesn't tell you anything, you start to itch there at your collar. You try to figure out what they really want from you, what they really want from the world, and most importantly, who the everloving fuck they actually are."

No Highly Esteemed Deed is Commemorated Here
by stormbreathstormbreath

"The following is a transcript of a segment the National Geographic program Occult Atlas, the most successful of the many television programs dedicated to covering anomalous sites and locations formerly in Foundation containment."

by TrotskyeetTrotskyeet


‘超常血統’ (PED464/CAN33/LUP22)
by Uncle NicoliniUncle Nicolini


by Uncle NicoliniUncle Nicolini

"ポートランドから数マイル離れた小さな町の、かつては粗末な囲いと建物だった所が、報道合戦となっていた… センターは成長し、さらに急速に成長し、その間ずっと、財団は彼らの協力のおかげでイメージを和らげることが出来た。"

SCP-4720 ("さあ小さな英雄たちよ!ページから立ち上がらないか?")
by GekkoguyGekkoguy


SCP-4413 ("本当に素晴らしかったものの終わり")
by NatVoltaicNatVoltaic

"…ファンワークサイト"Archive of Our Ownみんなのアーカイブ(AO3)"のユーザーらが、"全人類に開かれた"ウェブコミックの続編を制作するために、作家と使われなくなったファンフィクション・キャラクターで構成された自由な民兵組織"ビートダウン・アクロバティックス"を組織する。異常なファン・コミュニティは即座に報復を行う。"

Keeping It Chill With Your Homies Down At The SCP Foundation
by HenzoidHenzoid

"Thanks for Netflix and Chilling with us, D-13745, that was really swag of you!"

by Uncle NicoliniUncle Nicolini
"#サイト19襲撃 配信してくだちい、ヨーロッパ住みです :("

SCP-5148 ("クリフォト")
by Uncle NicoliniUncle Nicolini

by CyvstviCyvstvi

"Jedidiah Spring wasn't a traditional member of the Fifthist organisations. His Chapter could best be described, he supposed, as a cult. At least, that's what the media called them. The Western Seaboard Fifthists, it was a stupid name, and one he'd deeply despised."

by nykacolaquantumに合致するユーザーネームは存在しません, Deadly BreadDeadly Bread, Lt FlopsLt Flops, WestrinWestrin, & IFBenchIFBench


SCP-3739 ("モォ~スフィア(株)のマインド・ミルク™")
by Lt FlopsLt Flops & KindlyTurtleClem


SCP-5990 ("Out of my head, out of my mind")
by Lt FlopsLt Flops

"There is currently no known means of ensuring physical containment of SCP-5990 without the use of worldwide amnestic treatment or memetic reengineering. Efforts are instead directed toward improving environmental, ecological, social, and economic parameters by any means available to the Foundation."

Spilled Milk
by Lt FlopsLt Flops

"For more than [UNKNOWN] long Ages, Moosphere, Incorporated has been a forerunner in surrealistic dairy artisanship; a feast for more than 30 BILLION souls and counting! By the fruits of their very spirits, our well-trained Oneiric confectioneers would like to serve you our many fresh, EGO-SHATTERING delights."

"Scattersomnia": A Disease of the Wise and Drowsy Wanderers
by Lt FlopsLt Flops

"This is a tale of what I found during my lost fortnight in the far reaches of the Stacks, with nothing but my rucksack (containing more space within than without), my phantasmal feline Buckwheat, and my own sense of direction."

SCP-6705 ("The Bicameral Milk")
by LordStonefishLordStonefish & Lt FlopsLt Flops

“As of 31st December 2025, the Samawah Facility is 65 kilometres in diameter and still undergoing construction. Moosphere representative Ayad al-Dulaimi is elected as the Speaker of the Council of Representatives of Iraq. In his victory speech, he notably quoted the Quran as follows: ‘And indeed, for you in grazing livestock is a lesson. We give you drink from what is in their bellies – between excretion and blood – pure milk, palatable to drinkers (16:66).’”

SCP-5350 ("Oculoma")
by AnorrackAnorrack

"Symptoms of Oculoma may include: sore throat, ulcers, upset stomach, eye-filled diarrhea, little-to-no appetite, and difficulty breathing. If you or a loved one suffer from these symptoms, please contact your thaumaturgist or nearest Manna Charitable Foundation reception site right away."

by Cyantreuse


Items Seized, March 2022, Site-42 Sapient Object Containment
by Cyantreuse

"Agent Trauss, please don't mention this note but I was hoping you'd maybe talk to me after your shift? Can you come here off the clock or do you get in trouble? I miss riding in your car. You were the last person I was with in the outside world and it's fucking with my head. Love(?), ███████"

Sex, Drugs, Money
by Cyantreuse

"On April 20th, you enter SCP-4427-B’s chamber carrying a folder. You proceed into the bathroom where you are then seen showing them the contents, which are out of frame. Analysts from Information Security did note when reviewing feeds that the two of you are both clearly seen smiling, talking, and embracing."

A Day Notable to Nobody
by Cyantreuse

"Listen, uh, while we at the Foundation respect North Carolina Anomalous Persons Privacy Law 4-C6-NC and cannot prevent persons with an anomalous appearance from congregating in public, for the sake of preserving normalcy we still cannot allow them to spread anomalous contaminants or otherwise expose people to any uncontrollable effects…"

Forum Post
by Cyantreuse

"With November just around the corner and every candidate for any party factoring their stance on the Foundation into their campaigns, I find it a pressing matter to explain why forcing the Foundation to follow an external government's delegations for containment is a dangerous idea."

by Cyantreuse


SCP-4427 ("Nobody Stands for the People")
by Cyantreuse

"Since SCP-4427's existence was initially noted by the Foundation in October 2019, statistics saw an increase of 40% in global media reporting on the topic of human anomalies and an estimated 175% increase in confirmed cases of human anomalies existing and/or civilians being made anomalous through unknown means; approximately 3500 individual reports of human anomalies were noted worldwide by the United Nations in 2024, a 73% increase from 2023."

by Cyantreuse

"What I've found from cross-referencing my experiences with the Foundation as a whole versus my experiences with individual personnel leads me to one conclusion: The Foundation does not punish its operatives for existing as unique individuals with personal ethics and convictions, but rather renders those personal beliefs and behaviors obsolete."

Oceanus, Father to All
by Cyantreuse

"She'd lost a significant chunk of basic functions before she realized what was happening; notably, how to drive a car, how to chew and swallow, and the fact that the metal rack in an oven set to 425 degrees Fahrenheit shouldn't be grabbed without a mitt. The civilian paramedics took care of that part, thankfully, but they can't fix her memory. I'm starting to worry that maybe we can't, either."

You're a Toy, Mr. Sanderson
by Cyantreuse

"It's him- well, it's his chip specifically, rather. It's really starting to look like someone messed around with the files, which I know is unlikely given his clean record and good behavior, but I don't think we should rule anything out."

Like a Rock
by Cyantreuse

"In May of 1998, I was 18 years old. I was smiling at the receptionist in the office of the Coast Guard recruiting center in Wilmington, North Carolina. I remember that it was a Monday and the weather was clear. I remember that she told me I looked ready to serve my country."

by ObserverSeptemberObserverSeptember


Single Issue Voters
by ManyMeatsManyMeats

"The President's address from the Rose Garden was interrupted yesterday by Big Giant Spacerock, who announced they will be seeking the Republican Party's nomination."

by UnnaHuzUnnaHuz

"The veil broke, and the first change people felt was the annoying headache."

公共広告: 認識災害とあなた!
by korben600korben600, Jack WaltzJack Waltz, TheBoxOfFunTheBoxOfFun and Fish^12Fish^12


Goat VR? More like Goat VeRy bad game!
by TstafforTstaffor

"As anyone who's read my reviews would know, I'm a huge fan of the horror game genre, so I was pretty surprised to find that this highly recommended game was available as a free download online."

Sell, Clickbait, Profit
by DrKaldahlに合致するユーザーネームは存在しません

"It's not like the lizard is comin' down the chimney with old Saint Nick!"

Sell, Clickbait, Profit 2: Skip Game
by DrKaldahlに合致するユーザーネームは存在しません

"Is YOUR CHILD at risk of a taste-based cognitohazard?" (Pt. 2 of Sell, Clickbait, Profit)

These 5 Colleges are the Best for Learning Dark Powers! Number 1 Will Shock You!

We scoured the interwebz (even the magickal Dark Web) to put together these reviews of the 5 best colleges for studying Things Man Was Not Meant To Know.

A Collection of Anomalous Television Programs From Beyond the Masquerade
by DrGoodayDrGooday

The breaking of the veil has led to many opportunities for anomalous individuals to create works of television without fear of containment by us or any other organization. With that being said it's still imperative that we monitor and document these programs for anything that could possibly cause harm to the general public.

SCP-6041 ("Chicken Little's Requiem")
by Nickthebrick1Nickthebrick1

"Unfortunately, the equivalent of the sky in SCP-6041-1 became damaged in the process, causing our own to become affected. A section of the thermosphere and exosphere spontaneously disappeared, leaving a massive hole in the atmosphere 20 km above ground."

SCP-6115 ("公的医療保険")
by aismallardaismallard


Stranded Lullaby
by RallistonRalliston

"We're so fucked."

A New Chance To Explore Life
by KirQKirQ

"Humans were no more than animals in a cage, and those managing to escape their smaller restraints would still be trapped in bigger cages, still isolated from the rest of the world."

The Revert
by UnnaHuzUnnaHuz

"I've never expected that I could help the instructor out. I thought I was the only one to be educated but I was wrong. "

First Lesson
by KirQKirQ

"Congratulation, now you learned your first lesson."

by AvocadoMilkAvocadoMilk

"Announcing our new name, in partnership with…"

Main Page — Wikipedia
by Fish^12Fish^12

"Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit."

SCP-7404 ("金色の物は何一つ残らない。")
by UraniumEmpireUraniumEmpire


by Fish^12Fish^12 & AftokratorAftokrator

"What the FUCK is this subreddit?"

SCP-7216 ("320 Papaloy!")
by Agente ShuffleAgente Shuffle

"Whatever it is that they're doing now to the planet, they can solve it without us."

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