競り合う終末論 公式プレイリスト: あなたは神か、何かの実体か、自然の脅威で、何らかの計画を伴ってここにいる。あなたが世界を終わらせる間、この音楽で思い切り楽しんでくれ。
第一幕 第1部
- Apakht (パート 1/3) (by thedeadlymoose): 現実の構造が、彼らの前で、開かれていった。
- 門が開く (パート 2/3) (by thedeadlymoose): 「ウリエルよ」ヤハウェは言った。「時来たれり」
- 黙示録 (パート 3/3) (by thedeadlymoose): 「私はSCP財団の代表として参りました。」女が口を開いた。
- 暴風前線 (by Sophia Light): 「私は、その、我々に迫るちょっとした厄災についてお話ししようと。貴女も同じなのでは?」
- 目覚めしものども (by thedeadlymoose): ウル・アヌ・ウウムは天を仰ぎ、怒りを湛えた嘆きを漏らした。
第一幕 第2部
- 第一の白馬 (栄冠を戴きて征するもの) (by thedeadlymoose): 瞳は白く燃え盛る星に変じた。
- 第二の赤馬 (皮肉めいた隠喩) (by Dexanote): 「今日はとっても特別なお話だよ。」
- Interlude: A Memo Regarding a Theft (by Dexanote): Inventory check for Site 62 reveals the absence of SCP-573.
- The Black Horse (The Crawling Sea) (by Sophia Light): Then its clothes burst, and out came the mice.
- Interlude: Last Words from Svalbard (by Sophia Light): "We have a proposition for you."
- 第四の蒼馬 (悪童たち) (by thedeadlymoose): 死なずの怪物は今までにない以上の報恩の念と高揚感を抱いた。
第一幕 第3部
- The Bloody Autumn (by Dexanote): "This is your army. Delivered by Fear itself."
- Stirrings (by Skara Brae): The lightning recognized his roar, and raced to join him.
- ガニメデ (by thedeadlymoose): 「知っているでしょうけど……別の未来では、私たちは一緒に歳を重ねていったのよ」
- Now... This (by Gaffney): Three weeks into a possible future…
- In the End: Monkey Business (by AdminBright)
- In the End: Elite (by AdminBright)
- In the End: Europe (by AdminBright)
- In the End: Rawhide (by AdminBright)
- 暗闇の中での祈り (by TroyL): 我らの父たちは罪を犯した。今は違うが。だがその罪に我らは耐えている。
- Sunset (by Mister Evans): Dozens of faiths had a promise of eternal night to uphold, and most were going straight to the source.
- When Moses Goes Wrong (by Loiterer87) Meanwhile on Earth, astronomers noticed several discrepancies when they looked up to the stars.
- Fire and Brimstone (by Slothdude) even Gods must have their Demons.
- Omens (By DodoDevil) They had come to this shore to die a prodigy, foretelling war, famine, death, disease.
- Cheese Is Risen (By LORDXVNV) And then, the shining city fell, chunk after chunk cascading downwards, crumbling like feta.
- お前の死に様を教えてやろう (by Ethagon) このサイトの場合、10部屋ある内の3部屋が目下利用可能なパニックルームでした。
- 太陽の沈まぬ夜に (by Ralliston) エスターバーグの町は既に都市防衛の準備が完璧に整っていた。
- Awakenings, Part Two (by Scantron): "I have infinite confidence in your loyalty and competence."
- Interlude: New Toys (by Dexanote): "Oh I like you. I like you an' I like yor little buddy. I think I'll keep ya."
- To Be Continued.
小片群 (戦術神学部門サブ・シリーズ)
- KTE-5634-Ex-Machina-Bosch (by Cerastes): "The Global Occult Coalition must stand ready to defend humanity against all foes."
- Secure Facility Dossier: Reliquary Area-27 (by DeadlyBread): "SCP Foundation Theological Research and Emergency Deific Subjugation Facility"
- The Great Cult Escape (by Luxaiko): "So, little journal of mine and hopeful reader of the future; I hope you have learnt something today, as that you keep hold of this when the world ends all over again."
- Divine and Conquer (by Weryllium): "And while you spread your eyes across creation, you too are being watched. To borrow from another of your people’s many stories: you have been weighed, and found wanting."
ページリビジョン: 22, 最終更新: 13 Feb 2024 14:47