Banner Art by Zhange
~ ハーマン・フラーの不気味サーカス ~
紳士淑女の皆々様、歳も様々なお子様の皆さん、ハーマン・フラーの不気味サーカスは誇りを持って新たな進行役を発表いたします。一人の逃亡者としてスタートを切った彼女は、しかし純然たる才能と決意を持って、手品師から道化師へ、さらに一座の指導者へ、そして今やサーカスの団長へと登りつめました! 秀麗にして驚異の人、マジカル・イッキィの登場です!
- Go Big Or Go Home ~"Eh? Looks like a pig?" By DarkStuff!
- Good Fences Make Good Neighbours ~ "This way, Ducky. Just, try not to scream, okay?" Crossover with The Harrowick Chronicles!
- 勝手に突っ込んだらどうだ、くそったれハーマン・フラー ~ "尻から入れるんだ。"
- Clown Breeding 101 with Prof. Richard C Normus ~ "My Grampie once turned a kid inside out, I shit you not."
- イッキィとイカボッド ~ "このことは問題になりそうだった。もし排撃班がタイプグリーンを不意打ちで仕留め損ねた場合、彼らの次の作戦は圧倒的な火力だ。"
- Upside-Down Cake ~ "I can’t tell you how much pleasure it gives me to finally see your face the right way up after all these years."
- A Real Humdinger ~ “Tom, if I didn’t know better I’d swear that someone up there has it out for me.”
- Former Assets ~ "You're not afraid of clowns, are you?"
- Fuller Than Full! ~ "He let out one final scream, and then popped like a balloon."
- Fuller's Fantastic Fun-lover's Funhouse ~ “Fun-lovers? That’s what you call those… milking creatures, right?”
- She Remembered Me ~ "Sing once again with me, our strange duet."
- Freaky Commodities II: Freak Harder ~ "I…may have left a Sarkist and a Mekhanite together in the same room.”
- There Are No Strings On Me ~ “Are you out of your mind? Do you know who you’ve got? Icky will send the whole Circus after you to get her back!”
幕間 1
だから男はダーケと呼ばれた ~ "彼は闇に身体を沈め、闇により自身を維持し、闇により自らを強化した。"
- A Scip Or A Star? ~ "Coarse, irritating, gets everywhere."
- Dark And Disquieting ~ "Lolly didn’t respond immediately, being transfixed by the sight of a bird wizard battling self-cannibalizing ethereal snakes."
- City of Wonder™ ~ “Lesbians are family friendly now. There’s like a whole show on Cartoon Network about space lesbians. It’s awesome.”
- The Sea Slug and the Showman ~ "He stood in the spotlight, proud as can be in his top hat and red-tailed coat, the most preposterously verbose and verbosely preposterous poppycock rolling off his tongue as he presented each new marvel."
- Freaks, Friends and Fiends ~ “Not even the weirdest part of my day.”
- Let's Get This Show On The Road! ~ "Can I get a Frapaccthulhu? Extra whipped cream, extra drizzle, extra existential horror? I can handle it, I'm a Clown." By RecursiveRecursion !
- A Circus Come To Not ~ "Eat Lemon Meringue you son of a bitch!”
幕間 2
Undead, Insane and Fully Loaded ~ "Trust me, you want weapons that put the fear of the Big Boss into your enemies' hearts. You want them to go 'oh my god we're all going to die' because they are and it's common courtesy to let them know that."
- A Vale of Tears ~ “In the words of another interdimensional traveller, ‘don’t think about it’.”
- My Hovercraft Is Full Of Eels ~ "Ill-advised, you say? Duly noted."
- Oh, I Wouldn't Worry About Flaky-Os ~ "We recently started ultra-pasteurizing our Clown Milk, and we still haven't figured out what to do with all the surplus."
- The Apple Doesn't Fall Far ~ "I didn't think it'd be a rabid monster though! And it doesn't even have arms!" By Ellie3 !
- More of Fuller's Crap ~ “We call it punditry; measuring how full of crap it is.”
- ドレッド&サーカスの悪あがき ~ "お喋りはここまでにしておくかの。サメを殴りに行くぞ。"
- Not My Circus Not My Monkeys ~"Nobody turns one of my friends into a clownfish and gets away with it!"
幕間 3
How Is Your Name? ~ "Dr. Isabel Helga Anastasia Parvati Wondertainment V smiled the biggest smile since she had invented thaumo-nuclear Heelys two days prior."
Special Attractions
0. The Warrior And The… Clown? ~ "Happy April Fools Mister!"
0 & 1/2. A Fool & His Money ~ “Lolly, please, I’m begging you. You and the rest of the Circus need to stay out of Harrowick County.”
It's A Wonder™ful Life
- ...And I'm the Star! ~ "I'm a motivated worker, most of the time, and I don't mind getting my hands dirty. Anymore, anyways." By DarkStuff !
- Back in Habit ~ "If this thing is clean enough to preserve eyes in it, it's clean enough to hold water. C'mon, drink up." By DarkStuff !
- Pepper's Lament ~ "Herman Fuller conceded after some hour or something of robot pursuit." By DarkStuff !
- Souls & Somas ~ "If only Ted hadn't eaten all the coffee grounds. They'd have to stock back up at their next location — and apply some stricter rules to the 'community goods'." By DarkStuff !
- Deceptive Cadence ~ "Well, let's look on the bright side. I probably deserve this." By DarkStuff !
Halloween Spectacular: Fuller & The Factory Funtime Facility
- Act I, Industrial Arts ~ "May the Broken God have mercy on our souls, for Herman Fuller and Co are going to The Factory Funtime Facility!"
- Act II, Industrial Espionage ~ "A Hard Worker Is A Happy Worker."
- Act III, Industrial Sabotage ~ “I’m afraid there’s a small flaw in your evil scheme there Al; your park stinks.”
- Act IV, Industrial Accidents ~ “Now it’s your turn to see what’s behind my face.”
About Our Founder
- The Den of Disquiet ~ "For a long moment Herman stood, gaping, a ridiculous grin spreading across his face." By mayoculpa !
- The Preacher's Apprentice ~ "The only proper response to an impossible situation was to improvise." By mayoculpa !
- Revival Tent Blitz ~ "That's not Nälkä. That's civilization." By mayoculpa !
- A Blessed Day ~ "If this is Adytum's Wake, when is Adytum's funeral?" By mayoculpa !
- The Boy Who Cried Wolf ~ "The Karcists began to grow, carving themselves into weapons." By mayoculpa !
- Curtain Call ~ "Alright, listen here, hotshot. Do you wanna be that pebble that Chris says you are? Or do you wanna be a rock? 'Cause the thing is, you have one last chance." By DarkStuff !
Dumbass Lesbian Clowns
- The Grand Delusion ~ "I can’t be held accountable for his actions! I already need to be held accountable for all of my own, and let me tell you, that’s a lot of actions." By Hellylessa !
- A Fractured Curtain ~ "Whoa, whoa, wait a minute now. You gonna let that pineapple upside-down cake bully you into skedaddling?" By Hellylessa !
- Pity Party ~ "What spell hath been cast! What evils betray thine colorful threads!" By Hellylessa !
Rides and More!
- サッカリナ・スウィートの素晴らしい崇高なシュガー・ベイビーズ! ~ "サーカスの連中、頭文字を揃えるのが好きなのよね。"
- リル・ロリポップのリトル・ロリポップ! ~ "ナメていい奴は何処にでもいる。There's a sucker born every minute."
- 不思議な恐怖の機械仕掛けマリオネット・マチネー! ~ "もしも自由になれたなら、何としてでも奴らを陽気な陽気な操り人形に変えてやる!"
- パパの早熟で刺激的な酢漬けのチンピラ! ~ "マインドコントロールされた核融合動力のメカスーツは合理的なものとしてカウントされるのか?"
- ドタバタ動物園の精神捻じ曲げミュウミュウ怪奇魔獣軍団! ~ "俺が引っ掻かれたのは… 20回ぐらい? これは好かれてた時期の話だぞ。" By RecursiveRecursion !
- The Sumerian Sorcerer's Sadistically Satanic Saddle! ~ "In its active state, living horses (Equus caballus) react with panic upon becoming aware of SCP-3886's presence." By Ember16 !
- 我らがExtraordinary, Exasperating, X-rated 脱出者! ~ "財団のリソースはお前の拘束フェチを満足させるためにあるんじゃないんだよ!"
- 雄弁にして優雅なる Elegant, Elementary エレファントマン! ~ "何だ、大してゾウに似てもいないじゃないかね! 私ならもっと上手くできるぞ!"
- The Buoyantly Bodacious Bouquet of Bouncing Balloons! ~ "At this point, SCP-4743 extended a large pseudopod behind D-5809 and produced a static discharge of sufficient voltage to disarm him."
- Frau Harlekina's Funny and Hilarious Fantastic Hide-Show! ~ "The 'fun level' mentioned in the document is the value of all persons directly under SCP-122-DE's influence."
- UIU File: 2014-158 (OPERATION: VENENUM) ~ "It's really beautiful out here, where the world is unbound and you can roam free. You should give it a try sometime." By Nickthebrick1] and Ralliston!
- ハーマン・フラー主催: 魔法のクラウン イッキィ ~ "幼い頃から私は恐怖で自分を止めてはならないって決めていた。"
- Herman Fuller Presents: The Amazing Zoltan ~ "Anyway, he comes into the shop wanting us to make him a philosopher's stone out of molasses."
- Herman Fuller Presents: The Skeleton Dance ~ "For as long as the preternatural performing arts have existed, men have reanimated the dead for entertainment." By PeppersGhost !
- ハーマン・フラー主催: ネレイドのニキシー ~ "私の姉妹達と私はマーメイド。ネレイドじゃないし、セイレーンじゃない、海のニンフでもない。マーメイドよ!"
- ハーマン・フラー主催: ドレッド・ベヒモス ~ "その日、私がそこにいたのは偶然だった- シルクハットの高さを増やすために洗濯機屋と約束をしていたのだが -なんと幸運なことだったのだろう!"
- ハーマン・フラー主催: マグニフィセント・マーヤ ~ "そこにあったのが、頭をゴミ缶に突っ込んだ堂々たる彼女の姿だった。" By SecretCrow !
- Herman Fuller Presents: The Indestructible Man ~ "Talk about the worst kind of living forever."
- Herman Fuller Presents: Eucestodiel, the Pallid Godhead ~ "Before I get to the finale, I would like to stress that neither Fuller nor Eucestodiel gave us any warning of what would follow." by UraniumEmpire!
- ひかめくもの総て ~ “カーター、私はマクドナルドが我々と同じイニシャルを持っているからといって彼らを廃業させるために世界経済を操ってはいませんよ。"
- この素晴らしき世界 ~ "My suitcase was at my feet because I didn't trust leaving it alone; if anyone were to see my stuffies, watercolors, and risperdal I'd feel terribly judged." By DarkStuff !
The Utterly Bazaar
- Utter Depravity ~ "The catacombs were a perfect abode for a noble such as himself; vast, ostentatious, dark, and amply stocked with the preserved remains of peasants to feast upon."
- 怪獣海 ~ "怪獣の交尾を観察した者は今の所いない。"
- The Great Shucks of the Unnamed Lords ~ "The threat posed by a Great Shuck is utterly dependent on the disposition of their master."
- Clown Town ~ "The Clowns also rely heavily on a medication referred to as 'Clown Impulse Suppressant' to control outbreaks of unacceptable behaviour, with mixed degrees of success."
"世界中がピエロを愛してる。” ~ コール・ポーター
何故これを書くのか? ええ、私がサーカスが好む理由の一つに、ある意味で財団の正反対にある存在だからというのがあります。財団の管理者が最初のアノマリーを発見した時、彼はそれを何処かに閉じ込めて永遠に秘密に保つことを決めました。ハーマン・フラーが自分のアノマリーを発見した時、彼はテントを張って入場料を請求することに決めました。異常な物に向ける私のイデオロギーは実のところ、財団よりも蛇の手のそれに近いです。異常な物の全てが危険という訳ではなく、全てのアノマリーを“念のため”閉じ込めてしまう財団の方針は不道徳であると共に人類にとっての損失ではないかと。私のお気に入りのSCPの一つは8900-EXです — 仮に現状からの変化が良いことかもしれない場合であっても、その現状を維持するという財団の勅令を描写しているからです。 サーカスは人々が実際の魔法を見ることができる場所であり、異常な者たちは収容下よりも自由です。