画像: 二人の少女が、白色に輝く光が降り注ぐドアの前に立っている。左側の少女は白衣と魔女の服装を組み合わせた衣装を身に纏っている。気まぐれな視線を顔に浮かべ、両腕を広げて、ドアに向かうよう友人に促している。もう一方の、右側の少女は背中に黄金色の装飾が施され、青色のリボンが結ばれた緑色のドレスを着ている。片方の腕に大きな書物を挟み込み、もう片方の腕には白い蛇が巻き付いている。二人の周囲ではドアが渦を巻き、空に浮かんでいる。
画像: 「SCP-8000コンテスト: 幻想」と華やかな文字で書いてあるロゴ
執筆: 終了!沢山の投稿ありがとうございました!
投稿開始: 2024/02/12 02:01 PM 日本標準時
投稿終了: 2024/02/19 02:01 PM 日本標準時
結果確定: 2024/03/11 02:01 PM 日本標準時
- SCP-8000 - 雨のち、アザラシ by PlaguePJP at 427
- SCP-8999 - トロールに餌やり by J Dune at 406
- SCP-8001 - 世界の端 by djkaktus at 392
- SCP-8320 - 七億匹の魔法使い by Raddagher at 274
- SCP-8500 - WITH_LUV_FRM_ADA.zip by IronShears、Guaire at 264
- SCP-8140 - 副葬品 by Grigori Karpin at 251
- SCP-8002 - Maslov's Fire by bigslothonmyface at 236
- SCP-8005 - The Fool by daveyoufool at 218
- SCP-8888 - Eight-Ball by Billith、Doctor Cimmerian、HarryBlank、Placeholder McD at 210
- SCP-8003 - THE GEARS OF TIME by Rounderhouse at 183
- SCP-8008 - TIME PERVERT/時間の変質者 by LORDXVNV at 177
- SCP-8400 - 白樺の騎士と三つの栗のゲーム by PeppersGhost、Uncle Nicolini at 161
- オリーの提言 - 永遠の中で触れるもの by OriTiefling at 154
- SCP-8799 - A Book of Kings by Tufto at 147
- SCP-8333 - 願いの紡ぎ手 by Zyn at 137
- SCP-8060 - Toontown by ratking666、Monkeysky at 134
- SCP-8787 - The Roast Not Taken by Ihp at 128
- SCP-8800 - 受信 by Aftokrator at 125
- SCP-8166 - Eastward of Eden by AstersQuill, FlyPurgatorio, sailorenoch at 125
- SCP-8889 - ウィリアム・ウォレス・ウェトルのウヮンダラス・ウェディング by LizardWizard at 124
- SCP-8100 - TURTLE TIME by Harmacy at 122
- SCP-8765 - 渇望 by Yossipossi at 121
- SCP-8666 - ロイグの赤死病 by stormbreath at 120
- SCP-8004 - ヴィンセント・ボハートの生と死 by DodoDevil at 120
- SCP-8007 - THE PYROCLASM PROTOCOL by Dino—Draws at 116
- SCP-8817 - To You, The World by EstrellaYoshte at 113
- SCP-8006 - Debris on the Tracks by TheChunk at 112
- SCP-8009 - 赤い右手レッド・ライト・ハンド by DrClef at 111
- SCP-8200 - 幻海 by MontagueETC at 105
- SCP-8404 - That One Time The Foundation Attempted To Use SIMULACRUM Technology To Contain A Keter-Class Entity In Another World by J T K C at 96
- SCP-8120 - Bloodbound by Ralliston at 92
- SCP-8998 - その主 by aismallard at 91
- SCP-8300 - The Farewell, The Frame by ThatGuyThatTime at 89
- SCP-8010 - お母さんとお父さん by PoufyPoufson at 88
- SCP-8900 - The Hecatomb by Its a Bad Idea at 87
- SCP-8028 - Into The Woods by AriadnesThread at 87
- SCP-8600 - The Hall of the Empresses by Miss Lapis and PiNKpePpER at 82
- SCP-8118 - everything is fine. by Fishish at 73
- SCP-8992 - 数多の証拠ボディ・オブ・エビデンス by Dysadron at 71
- SCP-8457 - That time I , a Foundation Agent, was abducted into another world at war with mine. by Guezma at 71
- SCP-8700 - In the Court of the Dragon by Dr Balthazar at 69
- SCP-8080 - Eleanor Ellory Goes To Therapy by Uncannyon at 68
- SCP-8225 - The House of All Our Gods by Djoric at 63
- SCP-8011 - In Flesh, Tasted by Ecronak at 63
- SCP-8699 - Everyday I See You Still by Trintavon at 62
- SCP-8235 - Magic, Unchained by Plilt、Anorrack at 59
- SCP-8012 - The Hero's Journey (Ft. Wigglebert the Great) by IndustryStandard、ParallelPotatoes at 58
- SCP-8997 - Infinite Impossibilities by TheyCallMeTim at 58
- SCP-8228 - Here's To You, Mrs. Robinson by Calibold at 49
- SCP-8050 - One to Rule Them All by Damian Thorne、Diogene_s、UNCGriffin、WarriorofChaos at 48
- SCP-8111 - 嘘つきたちの魔法 by Felixou at 47
- SCP-8245 - Anywhere, Anytime, You and Me by winkwonkboi at 45
- SCP-8996 - We Three Kings (Of What?) by Blue Foot at 43
- SCP-8142 - A Passing Chimera by Anky swallow at 43
- SCP-8249 - Of Agents, Archons, and Adam of the Transient by Jack Ike at 42
- SCP-8682 - Catastromancy by faminepulse at 40
- SCP-8995 - Surf's Up by Sound Chaser at 40
- SCP-8899 - There is a Tide by arthrycymo at 38
- SCP-8777 - Snipping the Light Fantastic by humanoid_human at 38
- SCP-8015 - A Fighting Chance by FluffyDog00 at 37
- SCP-8703 - The Caretaker by Kilerpoyo at 35
- SCP-8901 - Colours of Magic by Ethagon at 34
- SCP-8880 - Isaac Seder: Son, Warrior, Foe by Sonderance at 33
- SCP-8020 - FALSE IDOL by CelestialTophat and Anakes at 33
- SCP-8420 - THE WIZARD II (Also Known as Wizard Reborn 2, Swann Fever, Ballad of the Swann Lake, Electric Avenue, the Reckoning) by DrowningDutchman、DtheAussie、Rhineriver、TroutMaskReplica、Twibz at 33
- SCP-8023 - Secrets in the Dark and City of the Accursed by Utylike at 31
- SCP-8013 - The Dragon is not a Metaphor for Capitalism by Mooagain at 31
- SCP-8327 - I Dream Of The Sea by TboneBerryhill at 31
- SCP-8280 - Slipping Through The Cracks by MasterTMan2 at 30
- SCP-8016 - Gods You Be by Arclund at 30
- SCP-8025 - COSMIC COMMANDMENTS by Sinagsikap at 30
- SCP-8451 - To Break the Pots and Sink the Ships by basirskipreader at 29
- SCP-8014 - Roma Addenda Est by ManyMeats at 29
- SCP-8079 - Rejected Reality by Logarithmika at 28
- SCP-8017 - Sentience by Dr Leche at 28
- SCP-8778 - The Writing on the Wall by swordlover87 at 27
- SCP-8282 - You Are Now Entering by OliverMemphis at 26
- SCP-8308 - To Bite One's Thumb by Ellie3 at 26
- SCP-8914 - 我らの四元素竜 by Luis GM at 26
- SCP-8501 - Truck-Kun by Coldsmith at 26
- SCP-8222 - SCP: Panorama by Talcite at 25
- SCP-8035 - I Have Seen What The Darkness Does by Merehrab at 25
- SCP-8701 - Jackie and Wilson by Sushimi at 24
- SCP-8027 - The Lord of the ██████ by Kothardarastrix at 23
- SCP-8410 - When Dreams Come True by XHAWK77X at 23
- SCP-8125 - Narrativic Fragments by Dr Moned at 22
- SCP-8018 - While You Were Dreaming I Was Turning The Sky by ItsDenali at 21
- SCP-8089 - No one in the world ever gets what they want, and that is Beautiful by Mister_Toasty at 20
- SCP-8132 - ViKarious ToMe™ by Alzin Cdag at 20
- SCP-8181 - The Real World by Ampyrsand at 20
- SCP-8444 - I'll Be There With You by cubeflix at 19
- SCP-8030 - Our Holy Magic by Jakuwoski at 19
- SCP-8945 - One Thousand Temples by sledge115 at 18
- SCP-8090 - PROFANITY / PROVIDENCE / PURGATORY by Roufhous at 18
- SCP-8747 - Rectification by Rose the Changeling at 17
- SCP-8994 - "Spellsteal" by redredred at 16
- SCP-8484 - Acheron by calico_mp3 at 15
- SCP-8173 - Ms. Harrier Is Not Anomalous by P0rcelain at 15
- SCP-8041 - Supreme Nothing by Termiteee at 14
- SCP-8076 - Awan by IvanNavi at 13
- SCP-8910 - My Happy Place by Some Reference at 12
- SCP-8019 - The Devourer of Wonders by Dr Ore, slashannemoo at 12
- SCP-8555 - Kaleidoscope by Resolver at 11
- SCP-8021 - Life in a Snapshot by Penton at 10
- SCP-8762 - Once Upon A Time… by Dr Asteria、SYTYCFanon、GregJChudley、Anonymous、TopDownUnder、MisterFrown、Elunerazim at 6
- SCP-8022 - あなたの夢を築きましょう、一度に煉瓦一個ずつ。 by JorgeMtzb at 5
- SCP-8440 - Clear as White by Strange Matter at 5
- SCP-8024 - Typhon by Baronjoe at 4
- SCP-8192 - Happily Ever After by Perdoh at 4
- SCP-8330 - One for the history books by Karpfisch at 4
- SCP-8993 - Embody by SynthPanda at 4
- SCP-8088 - Still Within Bounds by RuraScarlet at 3
- SCP-8099 - Fantasi by Nils Severin at 3
- SCP-8082 - The Wild Hunt by Nonaggress at 3
- SCP-8722 - Death, Decay, and Ignorance by Nostellae at 2
- SCP-8026 - And I'm No Dreamer by Cowscantgomoo at 2
- SCP-8108 - Foundation Fantasy League by Malvarik1 at 2
- SCP-8343 - Slaying the Demiurge by Comrade Waldo at 2
- SCP-8101 - The Dream Machine by DrYossarian at 0
- SCP-8199 - Dreamcrumbs by Sr Bolainas at 0
- SCP-8678 - Ruined Haven by ArmenBow at -4
- SCP-8202 - Of Fire and Ice, War and Loss by lilybugg at -5
- SCP-8121 - Portable Borders by andeyebed at -9
最もドラゴン: SCP-8007 - "THE PYROCLASM PROTOCOL" by Dino—Draws
最大のダンジョン: SCP-8028 - "Into The Woods" by AriadnesThread
プロンプトの再読2: SCP-8800 - "Reception" by Aftokrator
最多説明の魔法体系: SCP-8235 - "Magic, Unchained" by Anorrack、Plilt
最もトールキンに似ている3: SCP-8225 - "The House of All Our Gods" by Djoric
良識に対する最大の抗い4: SCP-8008 - "TIME PERVERT" by LORDXVNV
psychicProgrammer氏の母が一番気に入った5: SCP-8320 - "Seven Hundred Million Wizards" by Raddagher
最多議論6: SCP-8000 - "雨のち、アザラシ" by PlaguePJP
最高等級7: SCP-8400 - "The Birch Knight and the Game of Three Chestnuts" by PeppersGhost、Uncle Nicolini
私はこの記事でもメタだよ8: SCP-8005 - "The Fool" by daveyoufool
突発実績9: SCP-8777 - "Snipping the Light Fantastic" by humanoid_human
影の英雄10: SCP-8245 - "Anywhere, Anytime, You and Me" by winkwonkboi
最多選択11: SCP-8500 - "WTH_LUV_FRM_ADA.zip" by IronShears、Guaire
最多媒体12: SCP-8320 - "Seven Hundred Million Wizards" by Raddagher
出場者たちのチョイス13: SCP-8999 - "Feeding the Trolls" by J Dune
Safe: SCP-8000 - "雨のち、アザラシ" by PlaguePJP
Euclid: SCP-8999 - "Feeding the Trolls" by J Dune
Keter: SCP-8320 - "Seven Hundred Million Wizards" by Raddagher
Thaumiel: SCP-8002 - "Maslov's Fire" by bigslothonmyface
Neutralized: SCP-8800 - "Reception" by aftokrator
Apollyon: オリーの提言 - "Touching Eternity" by OriTiefling
Archon: SCP-8006 - "Debris on the Tracks" by TheChunk
Decommissioned: SCP-8420 - "THE WIZARD II (Also Known as Wizard Reborn 2, Swann Fever, Ballad of the Swann Lake, Electric Avenue, the Reckoning)" by DrowningDutchman、DtheAussie、Rhineriver、TroutMaskReplica、Twibz
最長記事: SCP-8027 - "The Lord of the ██████" by Kothardarastrix at 65,033語
最短記事: SCP-8994 - "Embody" by SynthPanda_ at 159語
最速投稿: SCP-8002 - "Maslov's Fire" by bigslothonmyface
最遅投稿: SCP-8001 - "The Edge of the World" by djkaktus
タグレス15: SCP-8027 - "And I'm No Dreamer" by CowscantgoMoo and SCP-8010 - "Mom and Dad" by PoufyPoufson
Senor_Peludo: 122
Maxyfran73: 112
stealth000 does not match any existing user name: 110
KO saurusREX: 108
OriTiefling: 108
Ethagon: 106
Space Diamond: 92
PabloAxolotl: 86
Cicada3301Fan: 84
LightlessLantern: 82
DMFS19から遠く離れた場所で従事したで賞: Dr Shoulder、Harmacy
芸術家賞: IronShears